The Writerly Protocol

DimensionExemplary MomentsOpportunities
Creating Spaces
for students to think, generate,
make connections
Planting seeds of suggestion
Cultivating co-creation
Taking risks
Pausing for reflection
Shifting agency
Challenging the readerly
Engaging in Dialogue
where students interact and engage
with the content and each other 
Generating questions
Co-constructing knowledge
Fostering interaction
Delving into the content
Prompting feedback
Challenging the readerly
Making Meaning
where students don’t “record”
the content but rather create
new understandings of it 
Enhancing retention
Generating understanding
Fostering integration
Distributing practice
Solving problems
Challenging the readerly

Here you can get a printable and/or editable version of the Writerly Protocol

  • The Writerly Protocol (pdf) (docx)